Whenever you share a link via Bridge.audio, you can decide to allow or not download of the files. If you do allow recipients to download the files, they will actually have those two options available:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 11.43.15.png

That second option is a feature we created to help everyone save time. Bridge.audio users don’t have to download the tracks and then re-upload them on their own workspace. Also, this productivity shortcut ensures that all the metadata saved on a track on Bridge.audio will be available to people receiving this track.

When you perform an “Add to my Bridge” on a link (by clicking the button of the same name), you can choose the workspace to transfer the track(s) to, after choosing the quality of the audio.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 11.44.52.png

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 11.45.45.png

All the metadata, artworks, tags, rights, and any other information will be copied to the selected workspace, and not just the audio file.

Feel free to try with this demo link

Import an entire project to your Bridge workspace
